Our story: 

Mental health has played a big part of my story growing up, it’s been a long road trying to find the perfect medicine to heal childhood wounds. I understand most of us struggle finding our own identity and learning how to be comfortable in our own skin... So my dream is to find the antidote to fight against low self esteem, self-sabotage, stress and depression. 
To begin this process I would love to start planting some seeds of empathy around the world, it’s important before we speak about others or to others to think about the big impact our words and actions make in both our lives and the lives of those around us. 

This clothing brand was created to empower and encourage people of all ages to snap out of the daily routine stress and learn to take life easy… Like our brand says it, “Chilldafout”, breathe and take control of your thoughts so your words and actions will really make a difference in our world ☮️✌🏽

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